Riding hall
Our riding hall (25m x 50m) can be used during the whole year regardless of the weather conditions outside as it is fully isolated. The floor of the hall is being constantly humidified automatically. Thus the floor has always ideal conditions to ride on it and hardly any dust is generated.

Round pen with flood lighting
To avoid injuries our round pen is bolstered with rubber. It is ideal for the horses to run freely.

Horse exerciser
In our canopied exerciser the horses can be moved in a controlled walk. This gives the horses compensation to their stay in the boxes. At the same time they get a good work out. The horse exerciser can also be used for a warm-up before riding as well as cooling-down after the ride.
On days when the horseman has no time for his horse the horse exerciser can be used as an alternative.

Outside facility with floodlight
The outside riding facility has a size of 20m x 40m and is equipped with the same floor system as the riding hall. After heavy rains the floor is being drained and can thus be used anytime.

With this treadmill (it can be used for gallop and trot) you can systematically foster the muscles and the condition of your horse.
As an alternative you can bring your horse to the paddock
Riding facilities
You can begin a riding excursion directly from our centre.

We feed each horse three times a day individually tailored to their needs with concentrated feed, muesli and oats as well as mineral feed. We feed hayage and straw twice a day.
We muck out twice a day and use shavings as litter.

The horses constantly get fresh air through the windows and can participate in what´s going on outside. The boxes have a size of 3m x 4m. There is a mattress bolstered with rubber in each box which is mainly meant to keep the temperature and to prevent the joints from damages. In each box there is a hayrack to convey the roughage constantly but slowly.
Tack room with lockable cupboard

Washing box
with warm and cold water
