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Embryo transfer

The admission of our ETEU centre was given in 2013

Since then we are conducting “ET flushes”

Advantages of embryo transfers:


-Mares can be used for breeding before their sporting career -genetic inheritance in spite of use for sports

-Mares that have a general disease that would contradict pregnancy or mares with difficulties giving birth can be used for breeding

-Valuable mares can be used for breeding more than one foal a year

-Mares that resorb / abort regularly may be used for breeding

The quality of the stallion´s sperm is decisive for the success of the insemination
We preferably use fresh sperm but of course an insemination with deep frozen sperm is also possible
Due to our long experience in the fields of insemination and breeding we are pleased to give you advice when choosing your stallion.

Requirement of the donor-mare
Good general condition

Requirements of the receiving-mare

-as young as possible (3-12 years)
-if possible a mare who has already given birth once
-if possible no foal at the moment

The receiving mare should in all cases be cycle-synchronous with the donor-mare. This means that both mares should have their ovulations within the same 1-2 days.

In case we don´t have a matching mare at hand there is the possibility of organizing another mare at a partnered centre. The costs for this mare will be charged by the partnered centre.

Insemination and Flushing

The donor-mare is being inseminates and the ovulation is scheduled.
7-8 days later a flushing of the donor-mare´s womb will be conducted. In case of a pregnancy an embryo can be harvested. The embryo will be transferred to the receiving mare into its womb.
The whole procedure is similar to an insemination.

8-10 days later one can confirm a pregnancy

Costs: Smear testing with the receiving mare

According to new EU-regulations since 01. September 2009 mares have to examined for CEM (Contageous Equine Metritis) and Infectious anemia during2 ruts BEFORE the harvesting of the embryo.
This is done according to the following scheme during two consecutive ruts:

Rut I :   150 € + VAT
(includes 3 CEM smear tests; harvesting, examination and shipping of the embryo)
Rut II:   150€ + VAT
(inclides 2 CEM- smear tests+ one blood test including examination and shipping)
Rut III: ET-Flushing

When flushing several times one has to repeat the blood examination every 90 days in order to maintain the status. (40 €)
Each analysis of the probes takes 15 days. All results must be present before the embryo transfer. It is especially important to find a matching receiving-mare for the donor-mare. This can be found among your own stock or among a herd of receiving mares.

Costs: Flushing
Costs for the embryo transfer:
Insemination of the donor-mare: see mating conditions


Flushing of the embryo including finding

Via special microscope: 200 € + VAT

Transfer of the embryo: 50 € + VAT

With own receiving-mare
Synchronization of the receiving-mare:

Control of the follicles:


Flat rate per season: 150 € + VAT
Smear testing: 35 E + VAT + costs for laboratory
Medicine according to specific case

Medicine for receiving-mare after transfer: 35 €

With receiving-mare from a herd of receiving-mares

Shipping of the embryo: about 100 €
Certificate of approved public veterinary for export: about 70 €

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